Mental Health and Chronic Illness

Living with a chronic illness can feel like navigating through a perpetual storm. Beyond the physical symptoms, the toll it takes on mental health is often profound. The daily struggles, uncertainty about the future, and impact on one’s sense of self can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression. Recognizing and addressing these mental health challenges is crucial for holistic well-being. If you are living with a chronic illness you may frequently feel dismissed or unsupported, further exacerbating the already challenging experiences.

Despite the often invisible nature of chronic conditions, you might have faced skepticism and disbelief from others, including healthcare professionals, friends, and even family members. Perhaps you’ve had your symptoms minimized or attributed to psychological factors, leading to feelings of invalidation and frustration. Moreover, societal misconceptions about illness can contribute to a lack of understanding and empathy, leaving individuals feeling isolated and misunderstood. Frequently people with chronic illness may experience burnout from having to constantly advocate for themselves. The illness itself can feel like a full-time job.

Connecting with others who understand the unique challenges of living with a chronic illness can be immensely comforting. Knowing you’re not alone in your journey can provide a sense of belonging and validation. Professional support from therapists trained in chronic illness can offer valuable tools to navigate the emotional complexities and support in the form of advocacy, coaching, and managing healthcare options. Therapy also provides a safe space to express feelings, learn coping skills, and develop resilience strategies tailored to individual needs.

At Turnpage Counselling, we have lived experience and specialized training in supporting individuals living with chronic illness and pain. If you are looking for additional support, reach out and schedule one of our 20 minute consultations.


Behavioral Activation for Depression